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We specialize in an array of fencing options for both residential and commercial customers! 
Only the highest premium products are used. All posts are set with wet mixed concrete in 24 inch hole. Depending on fence application sometimes deeper. All fences are set to the grade of the ground so no huge gaps underneath fence unless requested. Whether its keeping pets in or the nosy neighbor out, we've got you covered. 
Privacy Cap Rail with Gate

Fencing styles include 4', 6', and 8' heights in standard privacy, cedar cap rail, board on board, spaced picket, modern horizontal board and shadowbox. Premium #2 or better cedar pickets are always used. We use #2 or better douglas fir 2x4 runners. We offer 4x4 pressure treated yellow pine,  2.5x2.5 square steel 14 gauge posts or 2 3/8 schedule 20 or 40 posts.  We exclusively use hot dipped galvanized nails to prevent rotting and nail bleed.  

Round Rail
Round Rail

4' and 5' heights configured in 1 rail and two rail styles offered. Pressure treated douglas fir posts and doweled rails are used. Galvanized or black vinyl chain link with tension wire is attached to keep pets in but provide a ascetic, rustic look  to your yard that goes unnoticed at a distance.  Post savers can be added to insure 20 years of lifetime with this fence. 

Black Vinyl Chain Link
Chain Link

Chain link fabric can come in virtually any height and color. Most popular are galvanized and black vinyl coated. This enclosure truly lasts the test of time while also providing a see through boundary for your castle. 

Ornamental Iron
Montage Genesis Ornamental Iron

The hands down upper echelon of  surroundings for your yard.  We exclusively offer Ameristar brand fence products that come in an array of heights and styles that are backed by a 20 year manufacture warranty! 


We offer the industry's best fence preservative, Wood Defender. It comes with an industry best 3 year warranty with a multitude of colors to pick from.  

Staining with Wood Defender

Do you need chain link with barbwire,  commercial ornamental iron, estate gates, subdivision neighborhood perimeter fencing, access control, or cantilever gates? Yes we specialize in all of it!

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